August 19, 2015
As Wisconsin probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. attorneys, we spend much of our professional time helping our clients avoid and navigate probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts.. Working in probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. since 1958, we know the Wisconsin court system and probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. process very, very well. We consider it a privilege to serve the communities in southeast Wisconsin at a time of sadness and stress.
Wisconsin Probate Attorneys Guiding You Through a Difficult Process
At Wokwicz Law Offices, we have decades of experience helping the , and heirs protect their rights in a probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. estate. Our Wisconsin probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. attorneys can help you handle the probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. process from the beginning to the end including opening the estate and preparing the necessary InventoryA document filed during probate administration and sometimes during trust administration setting forth the assets owned at the decedent’s death and the value of those assets. In a probate administration case, the Inventory is filed with the court and is a public document., Final Account, and Federal and State of Wisconsin tax returns. For more than five decades, we have guided families in and around Kenosha and Racine, Wisconsin, navigate the confusing world of probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. courts and laws.
Give Yourself Peace of Mind
A properly crafted estate plan can give you peace of mind, knowing your assets and family are well protected. Our estate planning lawyers will help you get there.
Probate Requires an Experienced and Compassionate Attorney
ProbateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. can be complicated since it involves significantly more than just the probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. court process. Having a competent, experienced and compassionate Wisconsin probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. attorney during this difficult time is crucial to an efficient probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. administrationA process during which the deceased persons assets pay debts, claims and funeral expenses and the remaining estate funds are then distributed according to the wishes of the deceased person set forth in the Will or Trust. The Administrator is in charge of the process and must follow what is set forth in the Will or Trust. If there is no Will or Trust, the distributions and payments are made according to the law of the applicable state and is called intestate succession..
It is always difficult when a loved one passes away. At Wokwicz Law Offices, we consider it our mission as attorneys to compassionately represent surviving family and loved ones . We have dedicated ourselves to lessen some of the difficulties often associated with death and probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts..
Our gentle, comprehensive approach has earned us the trustThe arrangement creating the legal ownership of assets by a trustee for the benefit of the Settlor and/or other beneficiaries. of our community. We are deeply proud to have served generations of the same families, helping transition wealth and assets from one generation to the next.
Probate Requires a Knowledgeable Attorney
ProbateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. is an area of law which requires thorough knowledge of the Wisconsin probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. court system and probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. process, estate planningPlanning in advance of disability, incapacity, or death to make sure that key life issues have been addressed while the person is still of sound mind and able to understand and sign key documents such as Power of Attorneys, Power of Attorneys for Health Care, Wills, and Trusts to form a strategy and provide for the administration and disposition of his or her assets upon death or upon incapacity. More, property law, accounting and tax law.
Many individuals and attorneys lack the experience or knowledge to efficiently and effectively open, administer and conclude a probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. in a way that best serves the needs of the client. An attorney who does not understand the relevant tax laws or property laws can result in the loss of tens of thousands of dollars or more in unnecessary taxes, costs and fees. An attorney who does not understand the special real estate laws which govern the sale of a house or other real estate during the probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. process, risks placing the estate and the personal representative at risk for unnecessary liability and even personal liability.
How Our Experienced Attorneys and Staff Can Help You
Our attorneys focus their practice on estate planningPlanning in advance of disability, incapacity, or death to make sure that key life issues have been addressed while the person is still of sound mind and able to understand and sign key documents such as Power of Attorneys, Power of Attorneys for Health Care, Wills, and Trusts to form a strategy and provide for the administration and disposition of his or her assets upon death or upon incapacity. More and probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts.. Our experience brings many valuable returns to our clients. Below are just some of the advantages of using our Wisconsin probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. attorneys to help navigate probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts.:
- We save costs by identifying the most efficient procedures and limit the time that the probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. process takes to complete.
- We identify what assets are subject to probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. and what assets can avoid the probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. process.
- We identify the best probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. process to utilize and determine how much court involvement is necessary or if a procedure less than a full probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. can be utilized.
- Where a full probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. administrationA process during which the deceased persons assets pay debts, claims and funeral expenses and the remaining estate funds are then distributed according to the wishes of the deceased person set forth in the Will or Trust. The Administrator is in charge of the process and must follow what is set forth in the Will or Trust. If there is no Will or Trust, the distributions and payments are made according to the law of the applicable state and is called intestate succession. is required, we determine if informal probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. or formal probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. is appropriate.
- We know the rules and procedures unique to the Kenosha County probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. process when completing forms and the use of bonds.
- We help with time lines and tax savings and the unique tax laws that apply when someone has passed away.
Our Wisconsin probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. attorneys often represent personal representatives and guide our clients through the proper opening of the estate, administering the estate, payment or objection to claims, payment of taxes and expenses, sale and inventoryA document filed during probate administration and sometimes during trust administration setting forth the assets owned at the decedent’s death and the value of those assets. In a probate administration case, the Inventory is filed with the court and is a public document. of property, final account, receipts and distributions, obtaining the Closing Certificate for FiduciaryA person or company that manages money for a person or beneficiary, such as an agent or attorney-in-fact under a Durable Power of Attorney, a Trustee under a Trust, or a Personal Representative under a Will. A fiduciary normally has an obligation to act in good faith and in the best interest of the person who they represent and are governed by laws and a standard of care and should act in a prudent manner. In Wisconsin this term is most often used to refer to a Personal Representative or a Trustee. from the Wisconsin Department of Revenue and routine fiduciaryA person or company that manages money for a person or beneficiary, such as an agent or attorney-in-fact under a Durable Power of Attorney, a Trustee under a Trust, or a Personal Representative under a Will. A fiduciary normally has an obligation to act in good faith and in the best interest of the person who they represent and are governed by laws and a standard of care and should act in a prudent manner. In Wisconsin this term is most often used to refer to a Personal Representative or a Trustee. estate taxThe Federal tax that is imposed on transfer of assets at death, especially to non-spouses. The current Federal Estate Tax, simply speaking, is for assets in excess of 5.34 million dollars for the year 2014. There is not currently an estate tax in Wisconsin, but approximately 20 other states still have some form of estate tax. returns.
Avoid Probate Horror Stories
The probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. process often has a bad reputation and you may have heard horror stories of difficulties probating an estate with or without a Last Will and TestamentSee Will. More.
We can help avoid the horror stories during this difficult time and reduce the stress when dealing with heirs, beneficiaries, the courts and tax authorities. Doing it right the first time is the only option when dealing with the probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. process. Let us help you save time, costs, taxes and mistakes during this sometimes difficult process.
To schedule an appoint with our Wisconsin probateThe court process proving the validity of a Will and conducting the orderly Inventory, Accounting, and Administration of a decedent’s assets under a Will or under Intestacy laws if there is no Will. The probate process in Wisconsin typically takes between six to twelve months in Wisconsin and can take longer in some cases. Probate can be avoided by proper Estate Planning and through the use of beneficiary designations, Transfer on Death Deeds, Marital Property Agreements and Trusts. attorneys, please contact us on 262-658-2181 or